Obviously there is ample information in the "Blue Zen Memoirs" book, and on the internet, if you Google our names. What else might interest the reader are personal present day facts.
Barbara and I have been married since 1989. She has never given birth to any children, but she shares love and attention to the four children I have fathered, and the eleven grandchildren they have produced. This is a Global Citizen family, with many of our progeny being multilingual dual citizens living in several countries.
We have always hoped to live long enough to share these stories with family and friends, and possibly the world, with a series of books about our exploits. So if we can keep breathing for a while longer - here comes the books we want to write!
Barbara and I live in South Florida and continue to travel the world to visit the people we love and to further our knowledge of different cultures and the natural world through direct experience. Life is an adventure - live it!